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Multi-Stage Deployment Example with Next.JS and Github Pages

This repository contains an example of deploying a Next.JS application to multiple stages or environments using GitHub Pages and GitHub Actions. It consists of two repositories:

## multi-stage-deployment-example-nextjs-github-pages-staging

This repository contains the code for the Next.JS application that is deployed to the staging environment via GitHub Pages. It includes a configuration file that specifies the URL of the staging environment and any other necessary details.

To deploy the application to the staging environment, you can push your code changes to the `main` branch of this repository. The application will be automatically deployed to the staging environment by GitHub Pages.

## multi-stage-deployment-example-nextjs-github-pages-production

This repository contains the code and configuration for the GitHub Actions workflow that deploys the Next.JS application to the production environment. It includes a configuration file that specifies the URL of the production environment and any other necessary details.

To deploy the application to the production environment, you can create a new release of the application in the staging repo and tag it with the desired version number. The GitHub Actions workflow will automatically deploy the application to the production environment.

To use this example in your own project, you can fork these repositories and customize them to fit your specific needs.

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